Call for pre-organized sessions
The Program Committee is requesting proposals for pre-organized sessions. Information about pre-organized sessions can be found in our web. The organizers
of effective pre-organized sessions will benefif from a discount on registration fees.
If you are interested in organizing a session, please send your proposal to Dr. Félix de la Paz. The proposal must consist of an abstract with the scope of the session and the names of the Chairs (max. 2).
Proposed Workshops
- MALENE: "2nd. Workshop on Machine Learning in Neuroscience".
Chairs: Juan M. Górriz, Yu-Dong Zhang, Javier Ramírez and Andrés Ortiz
- NeurDis: "Workshop on Functional Evaluation of Neuromotor and Cognitive Disorders".
Chairs: Pedro Gómez-Vilda, Josefa Dorta and José M. Ferrández
- AfCAI: "4th Workshop on Affective Computing and Context Awareness in Ambient Intelligence".
Chairs: Grzegorz J. Nalepa, José Manuel Ferrández, José Palma, Vicente Julián Inglada, and Krzysztof Kutt
Proposed Sessions
- S01: "Bio-Inspired Computing Approaches (BICA)".
Chairs: José Santos and Ramiro Varela
- S02: "Machine Learning in Computer Vision and Robotics (MLCVR)".
Chairs: José García-Rodríguez, Enrique Dominguez and Ramón Moreno
- S03: "Biomedical and Industrial Data Understanding Applications (BIDUA)".
Chairs: Rafael Verdú Monedero and José Luis Sancho Gómez
- S04: "Intelligent Systems for Assessment, Treatment, and Assistance in Mild Cognitive Impairment (IS4ATAMCI)".
Chairs: Rafael Martínez Tomás and Mariano Rincón Zamorano
- S05: "Crisp and Fuzzy Intelligent Systems (CFIS)".
Chairs: Antonio J. Tallón-Ballesteros and Oscar Castillo
Chairs: Juan M. Górriz, Yu-Dong Zhang, Javier Ramírez and Andrés Ortiz
Chairs: Pedro Gómez-Vilda, Josefa Dorta and José M. Ferrández
Chairs: Grzegorz J. Nalepa, José Manuel Ferrández, José Palma, Vicente Julián Inglada, and Krzysztof Kutt
- S01: "Bio-Inspired Computing Approaches (BICA)".
Chairs: José Santos and Ramiro Varela - S02: "Machine Learning in Computer Vision and Robotics (MLCVR)".
Chairs: José García-Rodríguez, Enrique Dominguez and Ramón Moreno - S03: "Biomedical and Industrial Data Understanding Applications (BIDUA)".
Chairs: Rafael Verdú Monedero and José Luis Sancho Gómez - S04: "Intelligent Systems for Assessment, Treatment, and Assistance in Mild Cognitive Impairment (IS4ATAMCI)".
Chairs: Rafael Martínez Tomás and Mariano Rincón Zamorano - S05: "Crisp and Fuzzy Intelligent Systems (CFIS)".
Chairs: Antonio J. Tallón-Ballesteros and Oscar Castillo